Sunday, June 24, 2007

End of term ballet concert

Ruby is amazing. Yesterday was her end of term ballet concert. She danced (and skipped, and marched, and twirled, and swayed) beautifully. She had a great time performing in front of a crowd, even though it was only a small crowd of parents and grandparents and other hangers on, like brothers ;)

It's a joy to see her confidence and sense of self blossom as much as it has over the last few months. She's growing and changing and becoming more independent every day.

Here's some pics from the big event:

Here she is meeting one of her loyal fans after the concert:
Today we went for a nice long bike ride along the Esplanade. Today's achievements: Ruby rode her big bike without being pushed. Hooray. Max climbed to the top of the climbing frame to go down the slippery dip. Big hooray!
Have a happy week.
peace and love xxxx

1 comment:

random thoughts said...

Hey! Big Achievements all round! Did Ruby sign any autographs for her loyal fans?