Thursday, August 14, 2008

Recent conversations

With Ruby

R: (walking up the stairs) "I've got sand in my shoes"
K: "better shake it out before you go inside then"
R: (stands outside the back door BUT leans over to shake the sand out inside the house) !!
K: (gives R the cranky stare and arm waving gesture in disbelief)
R: *sigh* "well then - do it, I'm waiting"
K: "do what?"
R: "you know......the shouting thing"
K: "OK. Jesus Rube what were you thinking....?"
R: "do you love Jesus mummy? I love Jesus. He's very special"
K: *sigh*

With Ruby and Max
K - wearing a jarmie shirt that says "Dag"
R - "are you a dag mummy?"
K - "maybe. do you know what a dag is?"
R - "I think dag means you are crazy and silly but still very fabulous"
M - "no it just means you're shouty and naughty - like a mummy"
K: *sigh*


brazen's crafts said...

ohhhh kath, i'm just relieved not to be the only shouty naughty mummy ;p

Dustyjo said...

Oh dear. Our kids are outsmarting us already, how are we ever going to survive the teenage years if they're got us sorted at five?