I don't think I've been a super achiever against
the list this last year. I think I put too many life goals on the list. Realistically I should have known that I wouldn't have the $$ or the time to do ALL of the things on the list. So the next list will be more achievable. Maybe. Or maybe it won't be. I am always an optimist. Always setting challenges that I can't possibly achieve. So be it. But I LOVE trying.
So what did I do?
1. see a platypus in the wild - well no.
2. run for 6kms without stopping and without collapsing - well no. But I did make 3kms.
3. lose 6 kgs - well no. But I lost 2 - 3kgs.
4. re-read "
The Art of Happiness"
YES. Done5. learn about Catholic religious practices so I understand what Ruby's doing at school.
YES. Done6. help with reading in Ruby's class for a morning every 6 weeks or so - Ah, no.
7. write a card or a letter each week - well not each week, but I did write at least 1 a month.
8. sew my own skirts.
Yes. Well I made 1.9. take Ruby and Max to Canberra. I took myself to Canberra (but only for work). Did not take the kids anywhere out of Queensland this year. :(
10. read 5 new authors.
YES! Sure did.11. order
Moo cards. No. I didn't because I changed my mind.
12. make a pavlova. No. But I ate a lot of meringues. Surely that counts.
13. have a holiday in Sydney. *sigh* No.
14. hire a kayak every now and then. Only once. Not often enough really.
15. buy a Max ring.
Yes. Maybe. I got a cheap ring (gorgeous black rose) and Max has said it will be a Max ring until we can afford diamonds.
16. do a photo session every month.
Yes. I have taken a lot of pics this year.
17. learn how to use the different functions on my camera properly
YES! I did a fantastic photography course and am booked in for another one in a couple of months time.
18. use the treadmill at least 4x every week. ah, no. I did it for a couple of months, but it didn't last.
19. ride my bike!
Yes. But only once. :)
20. organise play dates for Ruby and Max.
Yes, they had a few.
21. print all of Ruby and Max's baby photos.
YES.22. buy a
new suit. I'll get another one in winter.
YES.23. have a pedicure.
YES.24. reconnect with Rod and Donna. Sadly no.
25. take a Pilates class. No.
26. learn how to use CUBA (work thing).
YES!27. take Ruby and Max bushwalking.
YES28. read the newspaper. More than just on the weekends that is.
YES. Not every day but regularly.
29. subscribe to
YES (and no). My dear friend Sam sent me her subscription very regularly. Thanks Sam. xx
30. blog at least once a week. I'm going to say
YES. It was close.
31. practice compassion everyday. I've really focused on this. So
32. write to Souerng often. No, not often enough.
33. stretch every day. No.
34. download fave songs/albums from the internet. Um, no. How did this get on my list?
35. make time to escape every month or so.
YES, I believe I have.
36. write my "I believe" manifesto.
YES. 37. back up my digital photos.
YES. I've started, just recently.
38. surprise Mark. Maybe.
39. replant the front garden. Nope.
40. stick with natural medicines to improve my health.
Yes, mostly.
41. spend a day with Mark every month or so. Only a few days this year.
42. buy some gorgeous new perfume.
YES! Of course.
So in the last 12 months I've done 23 out of 43 things on the list. I think that's OK. My next list might be a wee bit less ambitious but I'm happy with 23 things.
peace and love, k xxxx